Saturday, April 18, 2009

Inroduction of me

Hi new online diary,

If you don't know me, my name is Bianca Chau and I am 10 turning 11 this year and I'm so excited for my birthday!!hmm, maybe I shouldn't talk about my birthday because it's such a long way away and just for the record my birthday is in September the prettiest season of the year Spring! oh i just love it when all the flowers bloom and the sun shines. Anyways i have 4 people in my family i have my mum, my dad and my sister Lisa. I should talk about my pets too well i have a dog named Oscar and he is sooooooooo cute and a really pretty dog named Princess and my two big dogs too thier names are Harley and Brownie. We used to have a little puppy named Charlie but he ran away just before christmas (oh how i miss him so dearly) oh well it doesn't matter because we've gone over it but all we hope is that he has a good new home and a good new loving family and also that he has a fun and enjoyable life. But enough of the sad stuff let's talk about happy things (ps: i'm not bragging ) like i have so much makeup right now ooh goody i get to play with my makeup

anyways that's the end of my intro bye

xoxo Bianca

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